Thursday, May 17, 2012

Next post is a combined Rose / White wine post. (two separate brews, or whatever you call it for wine)
Didn't mean to make white wine but a mix up in the order meant I ended up with more than expected.

Again I'll start with the ingredients:
Australian Blend Merlot Blush Rose
Australian Blend White Table Wine

Brew day:
Cant fully remember the details of the brews, but they seemed pretty straight forward.
Followed the instructions with one exception. Only filled the white to 19lt for a few reasons.

Dont have the measurements at hand here, but the Rose worked out to be about 9%, with the white a little higher 10-11%.

The only other adjustment made was the addition of glycerol (I think that's what its called) to the rose, to try to add a bit more body / stickiness to it. I'm not sure if it made much of a difference, but it certainly didn't hurt it.

Australian blend wine kits will not win you awards. They are fine for bulking up your wine store, but I wouldn't be serving them at to guests. Also, they are a bit on the light side, so aim to be making about 17-18lt to get more flavour and alcohol into each bottle.

Buy better wine kits?

Rose Label

White label

On a retasting of the Rose a few months on, and its quite mellow fruity flavour. I'd recommend serving it room temp, rather than chilled.

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